
Byron & Ashley are getting ready to tie the knot soon!  Here are a few sneak peeks from their fun Storybook engagement session! tulsa photographers 1tulsa photographers 2tulsa photographers 3 tulsa photographers 4tulsa photographers 5



Possibly the most fun I’ve ever had at a shoot.  Do I say that a lot?  I hope so, cuz that means I’m having a lot of  fun at work!  Taylor brought nearly the whole Rains crew to his shoot.  And when it comes to lovely people, this family tops my list!

senior portraits with tulsa photographers

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I always have such a great time with this family!  tate family with tulsa photographersLitte G wasn’t feelin’ it.  No sir.

tate family with tulsa photographers

So really, what can you do?  Just laugh.  tate family with tulsa photographers And then use the time for a few of mom & dad alone!

tate family with tulsa photographers

A moment alone with one’s sippy cup plus the promise of Dr. Suess can go a looooong way towards a cute family-in-action shot!

tate family with tulsa photographers


Irene & and I had a great time together, and her hubby was such a good sport, too!  Here’s a little sneak peek from their maternity session…tulsa maternity pictures tulsa maternity pictures tulsa maternity pictures tulsa maternity pictures tulsa maternity pictures Congrats, you two!  Your little girl is going to be amazing!


We had a great time together getting these pictures!  Jason & Cori are such a great couple, I love that I get to meet wonderful people!  tulsa photographerstulsa photographerstulsa photographerstulsa photographerstulsa photographers


I LOVE the days that I get to spend with newborns!  Those tiny little hands, tiny little lips and ears, those funny faces they make while they’re asleep…so precious!    tulsa newborn photographer newborn photographer tulsa