
Soven & Jessica know how to do it right!  They didn’t have just one event for their wedding, they had THREE!   You’ve already seen a few pictures from their ceremony at the Hindu Temple, and now I’ve got a few for you from their ceremony at TU.  You’ll notice a theme here- I am obsessed with Jessica’s hennaed hands!  (What exactly IS the past participle of henna?!)  TU weddings with tulsa photographers University of Tulsa weddings with tulsa photographers University of Tulsa weddings with tulsa photographers 2University of Tulsa weddings with tulsa photographers 3University of Tulsa weddings with tulsa photographers 4


What a fun, fun, FUN wedding!  These two have such a beautiful family and it was an absolute pleasure to work with them!  Congratulations, you two!  tulsa photographers at the mayo hotel tulsa tulsa photographers at the mayo hotel tulsa 2tulsa photographers at the mayo hotel tulsa 3tulsa photographers at the mayo hotel tulsa 4tulsa photographers at the mayo hotel tulsa 5tulsa photographers at the mayo hotel tulsa 5tulsa photographers at the mayo hotel tulsa 6tulsa photographers at the mayo hotel tulsa 9

www.StorybookWeddings.org   I felt SO honored to be at their ceremony!  I hope that I have many more chances in my life to do something like this.  hindu ceremony with tulsa photographersunique weddings with tulsa photographers hindu temple of greater tulsa hindu temple of greater tulsa 2hindu temple of greater tulsa hindu temple of greater tulsa 3hindu temple of greater tulsa with tulsa photographers


Why do I always get the feeling that kids this age are laughing at ME and not at my jokes?  Ha.  At least babies think I’m funny.  tulsa photographers 1blake with tulsa photographers 2 blake with tulsa photographers 4skylar with tulsa photographers blake with tulsa photographers and sarah deneui


Last weekend, Josh & Jessica tied the knot in Owasso and it was such a wonderful evening!  owasso photographers tulsa photographers tulsa photographers with jessica and josh in owassojosh & jessica with tulsa photographers jessica & josh with tulsa photographers family pictures owasso

What a sweet little family of three!  Congrats to the newlyweds!


This little sweetheart was such a bundle of joy and FULL of smiles!  I had such a great time with the Smith family last week, and their little girl is just beautiful!
tulsa photographers and tulsa family pictures top tulsa photographers with the smith family for family portraits tulsa children's photographer tulsa with the smith family family pictures tulsa with tulsa photographers

To Kelly & Kevin- I hope you two make many, many awesome babies just as sweet and happy as your little Natalie!