Steve & Erin’s wedding day was so beautiful! Here are a handful of favorites from this wedding that was shot for Storybook Wedding Photography.
Steve & Erin’s Storybook Wedding
May 25th, 2014 | Posted by in Sarah DeNeui | Storybook Wedding Photography | toddlers | tulsa photographers | weddings - (Comments Off)Gabe’s 2 Year Portraits {Tulsa Photographers}
May 25th, 2014 | Posted by in babies | Birthdays | Buona Sarah Photography | children | family | lifestyle photography | portraits | Sarah DeNeui | toddlers - (Comments Off)
This was the second time I had the privilege of capturing one of Gabe’s milestones. I absolutely love having the opportunity to work with children as they grow! (You can see the blog entry from his 1 year session here.)
B Family Christmas Mini Session {tulsa photographers}
April 3rd, 2014 | Posted by in babies | Buona Sarah Photography | events | family | lifestyle photography | portraits | Sarah DeNeui | Specials! | toddlers | tulsa photographers - (Comments Off)A Christmas Mini session in April, you ask? Not really. I’m just playing catch up!
Braxton & Anna {tulsa photographers}
April 3rd, 2014 | Posted by in babies | Buona Sarah Photography | family | portraits | Sarah DeNeui | toddlers | tulsa photographers - (Comments Off)I was thinking about making an effort to catch up on my blogging from the last, well, HALF of a year that I haven’t been blogging. Hmm, now that I just realized how much blogging that will be, we’ll just have to see if I really want to put that much work into it! Anyway, let’s start here with these two cuties, sister and brother. It was precious to see how kind and loving she treated him.
Abigail {tulsa photographers}
September 18th, 2013 | Posted by in babies | Buona Sarah Photography | family | lifestyle photography | maternity | newborn | portraits | professional | Sarah DeNeui | studio photography | toddlers | tulsa photographers | Uncategorized - (Comments Off)Abigail is kind of a rockstar around here. She’s been photographed in the womb, at about 3 months, and again at about 7 months and has done an exceptional job each time! She has absolutely stolen my heart, and I have truly enjoyed getting to know this family and their little angel Abigail. Here are a few from her last session…
The Williams’ {tulsa photographers}
May 25th, 2013 | Posted by in babies | Buona Sarah Photography | children | family | portraits | professional | Sarah DeNeui | toddlers | tulsa photographers | Uncategorized - (Comments Off)My new rule about blogging- I am not allowed to say anything if it’s past midnight when I write the blog. Why, you ask? Because I will undoubtedly make some sort of stupid joke that I’ll find embarrassing when I wake up in the morning. Case in point: last weekend’s blog post (stupid joke has been removed.)
Brad & Valerie, your family is adorable.