A Christmas Mini session in April, you ask? Not really. I’m just playing catch up!
A Christmas Mini session in April, you ask? Not really. I’m just playing catch up!
I was thinking about making an effort to catch up on my blogging from the last, well, HALF of a year that I haven’t been blogging. Hmm, now that I just realized how much blogging that will be, we’ll just have to see if I really want to put that much work into it! Anyway, let’s start here with these two cuties, sister and brother. It was precious to see how kind and loving she treated him.
What? How is this possible?! Seems like it was 2 weeks ago that little Garrett was screaming his way through his newborn session. Remember this little guy?
Well he wasn’t screaming anymore! (That was sooo six months ago.) Garrett was FULL of smiles this time!
The Cuff family won a free (yes, completely free!) session with Buona Sarah Photography through our facebook giveaway. They kept me laughing the whole time! Their little boy wasn’t really “feelin’ it”, but we sneaked a few anyway! (Is that really correct? I kept trying to type “snuck” and keep getting the squiggly red line under the word. Huh. Sneaked. Okay, well we learn something new every day, eh?)
I love the way this kid thinks. Yes, indeed, pushing the wagon this way definitely makes more sense.
You guys are too cool!
I’ve known this growing family for quite some time now- we were together for mom & dad’s engagement pictures, then again for their wedding. But I haven’t seen this little sweetpea since her newborn session six months ago, and MY how she’s grown! She’s got her very own personality now and was such a smiley girl for her family session last week! I can’t think of anything more precious!