
This was the second time I had the privilege of capturing one of Gabe’s milestones.  I absolutely love having the opportunity to work with children as they grow!  (You can see the blog entry from his 1 year session here.)

Happy Birthday, sweet boy!  tulsa children's photographertulsa children's photographerbroken arrow children's photographer


A Christmas Mini session in April, you ask?  Not really.  I’m just playing catch up!

tulsa photographers 2 tulsa photographers 2 tulsa photographers 3




Abigail is kind of a rockstar around here.  She’s been photographed in the womb, at about 3 months, and again at about 7 months and has done an exceptional job each time!  She has absolutely stolen my heart, and I have truly enjoyed getting to know this family and their little angel Abigail.  Here are a few from her last session…broken arrow photographers portraits broken arrow portrait tulsa    tulsa family photographers children's portraits broken arrow family portraits tulsachildren's portraits tulsa broken arrow photographers tulsa photographers



Mel & Anthony have a little one on the way, and soon!  We had a great time getting some portraits for them to remember such a special time in their lives together.  Here are a few from their session…tulsa maternity pictures maternity pictures tulsapregnancy photos tulsamaternity portraits tulsa maternity pictures broken arrow



     This sweet little girl’s smiles are enough to make anyone happy all day long!  tulsa photographers 1 sapulpa photographers sapulpa photographers 2