
This was the second time I had the privilege of capturing one of Gabe’s milestones.  I absolutely love having the opportunity to work with children as they grow!  (You can see the blog entry from his 1 year session here.)

Happy Birthday, sweet boy!  tulsa children's photographertulsa children's photographerbroken arrow children's photographer


Not gonna lie.  When this family contacted me about doing family pictures I was so excited- I was thinking to myself “The Agimudies?!  Those two make THE cutest kids!  Yes please!”  And beyond having adorable children who are always stylishly dressed, Amy is an amazing mom who inspires so many.  Her blog, Life Through My Eyes, is aswesome.  Not only is she real, open and honest about the important things in life, she also takes the time to put together useful information that will help any mother.   Now don’t think for an instant that I’ve forgotten about dad!  Six years ago I headed up the hospitality team for a worship event and Nick Agimudie was assigned to my team.  I was completely blown away by his dedication and commitment.  No matter what I asked him to do, the answer was always “yes” with a smile.

Hopefully that’s always his answer to Amy, too.  Hee hee!  tulsa photographers 1 tulsa family pictures family pictures tulsa one year pictures tulsa tulsa photographers 2tulsa photographers 3


Morgan & Bradley had a beautiful ceremony in downtown Tulsa last weekend at First Baptist.  They were so sweet!  Here’s a little sneak peek from their day: Tulsa First Baptist Downtown with tulsa photographers tulsa photographers flowergirl tulsa weddings with tulsa photographers Bradley & Morgan at Tulsa First Baptist with tulsa photographers First Baptist Church Tulsa First Dance at First Baptist Church downtown Tulsa with tulsa photographers Ring detail with tulsa photographers tulsa photographers 2Mom & Me Events tulsa with tulsa photographers


Sarah Moyer is the real deal.  She’s what we all dreamed of being when we grow up.  That’s just too cool!  I love meeting people like Sarah, who are doing what they are good at, what makes them happy, and what makes others around her happy.  To learn more about Sarah Moyer and her current projects, go to www.sopranosarahmoyer.com.

soprano singer sarah moyer with tulsa photographer of Buona Sarah Photography

professional portfolio pictures with tulsa photographer sarah deneui

soprano sarah moyer's professional portfolio images with tulsa photographers

I’m honored that Sarah chose Buona Sarah Photography for her professional portfolio pictures.   Thank you Sarah!

Okay, not that this is at all about me, but……I had SOOOO much fun shooting Rachel’s senior pictures this past week.  Everything about this girl just screams “model”!  Rachel was such a pleasure to be around, and when you add gorgeous to that mix- well, it’s a win-win!  Here are just a few of the highlights:

downtown senior pictures with tulsa photographers unique senior pictures tulsa

tulsa senior pictures

glamour senior portraits tulsa

affordable tulsa senior pictures

Such a sweet family!

tulsa newborn photographertulsa photographers