
Shrae is such a natural.  She is comfortable and expressive in front of a lens and her eyes draw you in.   And even more than that, she’s genuine and kind.  I love it that I get to work with people like this!

acting portfolio pictures  tulsa head shots head shots in tulsahead shots acting tulsa


Sarah Moyer is the real deal.  She’s what we all dreamed of being when we grow up.  That’s just too cool!  I love meeting people like Sarah, who are doing what they are good at, what makes them happy, and what makes others around her happy.  To learn more about Sarah Moyer and her current projects, go to www.sopranosarahmoyer.com.

soprano singer sarah moyer with tulsa photographer of Buona Sarah Photography

professional portfolio pictures with tulsa photographer sarah deneui

soprano sarah moyer's professional portfolio images with tulsa photographers

I’m honored that Sarah chose Buona Sarah Photography for her professional portfolio pictures.   Thank you Sarah!


I meet the coolest people!  This past week, I met Ahmad, who just happens to be the brains behind the film Love Is, and he’s done very well at this weekend’s Tulsa International Film Festival.  I feel lucky, because soon I’ll be able to say “I knew him when…”.  You can find out more about Ahmad and his film here.

tulsa headshots tulsa headshots