www.StorybookWeddings.org    If I had to describe Bonnie with only one word, it would be ‘glamorous’!  Everything about Bonnie just oozes beauty and style!  Her portrait sessions make me painfully aware of my lack of all of the above!  Jackey and I had such a great time photographing her bridal portraits, and her mother & father were so helpful, too.  I wish I had a picture of her father holding my light for me!  Take a look at some of our favorites:

Bonnie's tulsa bridal portraits
bridal session with a tulsa photographertulsa photographers bridal portraits bridal portraits with tulsa photographer


Mark & Kelsey’s Storybook Engagement

Mark & Kelsey will be getting married next month, so we set out for some fun engagement pictures.  And fun we had!

Mark, I’m just guessing that of all the pictures, THIS is the one you’re most anxious to see:

top broken arrow portraits

Mark, gettin' his collar-poppin' action on!

couple's pictures tulsa

engagement pictures tulsa

engagement sesssion with tulsa photographers

To Mark & Kelsey- it was so great to meet you two!  Congratulations!

Steven & LaRinda are celebrating their first year of marriage together and they’ve decided that a great way to celebrate each year will be with anniversary pictures.  I love that!  Just imagine when they’re 75 and they have such a great way to look back over their years together and appreciate each line and wrinkle in the others’ face.   I just love it!  I’m a sucker for love!

anniversary pictures tulsa anniversary portraits tulsa couples' pictures tulsa couples' portraits tulsa