
Demory is kind of a big deal around here.  You might also remember her from here, or here.  Hands down, she has the best smile.  Ever.

children's portraits with tulsa photographers

toddlers in tutus with tulsa photographers

 tulsa photographers


Okay, so I know I say this a lot, but I seriously meet the nicest people!

acting headshots in tulsa head shots with Tulsa photographers headshots with tulsa photographers

tulsa headshots











Gigi’s gonna be a superstar and I’ll get to say “I knew her back when..”  Love that!

pageant portraits with tulsa photographers pageant portraits in tulsa

tulsa photographers for pageants

pageant portraits in tulsa portraits for tulsa pageants

Danie is my son’s best friend, although if I showed you ALL of the pictures of them together you’d see that SunDrops were involved in a bribe to get them within my frame at the same time.  Anyway, back to Danie- she loves having her picture taken.  After each series of clicks, she runs over and says “Ka’I see?”  She’s at that perfect age where all-things-girl are taking over!  She loves the color pink, dancing like a ballerina, giving hugs, wearing tutus, making pretend cupcakes…gosh, those were the days!  Happy Birthday, beautiful girl, I love you!

Danie turns 4best friends toddler shots with tulsa photographers






Aubrey, you’re absolutely beautiful!

senior portraits with tulsa photographers Beautiful Aubrey's senior session

Aubrey's senior session with tulsa photographerswhimsical senior portraits with tulsa photographers www.BuonaSarahPhoto.com 

Talk about a beautiful family!  Look at them!  And this family is beautiful on the inside and out.  Little Ashlynn is going to grow up one happy little girl!

ashlynn's family with tulsa photographers

smiling newborn with tulsa photographers newborns with tulsa photographers Welcome Ashlynn!