David & Shelly’s Storybook Wedding Party

David & Shelly got married on a ship, in the sun, in the ocean, in the middle of nowhere.  Lucky ducks!  Anyway, they didn’t invite us to the wedding but they invited Storybook to their reception.   So  Luke and I were happy to take a break from the usual weekend weddings to photograph their party!

tulsa photographers at stokely

party pictures with tulsa photographers

family pictures tulsa

event photography with tulsa photographers

This little man has a special place in my heart-  maybe because I’m such a fan of his mom & dad, maybe it’s because I prayed for him daily while he was fighting for his life, maybe it’s because both of his grannies are  two-collars-popped cool, or maybe it’s all of these put together.

baby photographers tulsa

family pictures tulsa newborn photography with tulsa photographers family photographers tulsa